Commercial and Business Development Services

RDC offers a full complement of client-customized commercial real estate development services. Each and every project is site- and client-specific, which means you select only the services you need.

Business Planning and Financial Analysis

We help formulate your business vision into a format that can be used for financial analysis and planning. This planning and analysis enable us to address the critical issues of location, square footage, overall concept and design as well as future growth.

Feasibility Studies and Analysis

The development of any commercial property requires a professional, unbiased analysis at the outset to determine if the market will support the planned facilities. Using conservative and logical analysis techniques, we help you determine the potential risk/reward factors involved in building the planned project, and the impact the competitive marketplace might have on its operations.

Property Acquisition

We have in-depth knowledge of the market, plus a comprehensive database of recreational and hospitality properties currently waiting for the right project. Consequently, we are able to help potential clients and investors in site selection evaluations, as well as facilitate actual property acquisitions. In guiding our clients, our goal is to discover sites with the highest degree of development potential and return on investment.

Project Conceptualization and Master Planning

Once the viability of a planned project has been ascertained, professional project conceptualization and master planning are crucial to its future success. This is where the development roadmap is drawn, and there is no other company with RDC’s professional expertise and experience in these endeavors.

Architecture/Design Services

The approach of our associate design, architecture and engineering teams stems from your perspective. Whether you hire us to take a project from conceptual design to final construction plans and specifications, we know how to balance your desire for attractive architectural elements with efficient, cost-effective results.